There were six Mitford sisters:

Jessica (Decca)
Deborah (Debo)

and one Mitford brother, Tom
They were related to Winston Churchill, close friends with Evelyn Waugh and other well-known Bright Young People, and all but Pam (and perhaps Tom, a fascist supporter who died in WWII in Burma) went on to lead notorious lives.
Unity was a devout fascist and close friends with Hitler, Goebbels, and other high-ranking Nazi officials. It was assumed by some tabloids that she was Hitler's mistress, and even now, there have been conspiracy theorists who claim that she was the mother of a child with Hitler (such claims are not very well supported).
Her sister Diana was a renowned beauty in England, and her striking looks later led Hitler to call her "the perfect Aryan."
Decca ran away with her cousin Esmond, whom she married on the lam in order to get a Spanish visa to enter the country to help support the anti-fascist cause in the Civil War. They later moved to America, where they began a bar and spent a great deal of time with the Kennedy family.
Esmond returned to England to fight during the war, and was killed. Decca blamed her sister Diana, along with all other fascists, and she became an avid supporter of the Communist party in the U.S.
Nancy, in comparison with her political sisters, almost seems like the "boring" sister, but she was the one in closest contact with Evelyn Waugh and other Oxfordian literati. She astonished her parents by cutting her hair short without permission, wearing pants instead of dresses, and just generally being a witty badass.

I've not yet reached the main sections on Debo, but I do know that she became the Duchess of Devonshire at some point. She is still alive and spends a great deal of time in Paris.

There are a number of amazing details about these sisters (for instance, Pam was on the second trans-Atlantic commercial flight), and the list of their acquaintances is astounding. They all had a way for words, and several of them are published authors (Jessica, Debo, and Nancy primarily). They were all clever and beautiful, and you just couldn't make this stuff up.
While Lovell's book is quite long, it's really addictive reading. Highly recommended if you're looking for a solid biography about some really amazing women. Even if one does not agree with the politics of several of the sisters, their lives make for a fascinating historical account.
While Lovell's book is quite long, it's really addictive reading. Highly recommended if you're looking for a solid biography about some really amazing women. Even if one does not agree with the politics of several of the sisters, their lives make for a fascinating historical account.
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