Thursday, September 29, 2011

instant netflix: Reality Bites

Vickie: My favorite part about graduating now will be dodging my student loan officer for the rest of my life. He will be in cahoots with the Columbia Record and Tape Company guy... been after my ass for years.

Lelaina : All right, fine. You wanna be in a band? Fine. Go ahead. Play every night. Play three times a night! Don't just dick around the same coffee house for five years. Don't dick around with her or with me. I mean, try at something for once in your life. Do something about it, but you know what? You better do it now, and you better do it fast, because the world doesn't owe you any favors. 

Lelaina : I'm not going to work at the Gap for Chrissake! 

Vickie:  He's weird, he's strange, he's sloppy, he's a total nightmare for women... I can't believe I haven't slept with him yet. 

Lelaina: Hey, Sammy, what's your goal? 
Sammy: My goal is... I'd like a career or something. 

Troy : Hello, you've reached the winter of our discontent. 

This movie gets 4.5 out of 5 glowing laptops for relevancy and 90s fashion. 

PS Ben Stiller was a total Baxter in this movie, no?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy birthday, Z!

It was the 5th birthday of a very special little boy recently, and I made a present custom for him.
Lay it out flat and it is a blanket- one side soft satin and the other side cozy red flannel.

Velcro on the chin strap, button the top tip down and it turns into---

A superhero cape!! 

I think he liked it.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

autumn's here.

Edvard Munch, Towards the Forest, 1915, woodcut printed in colours

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

some good news

via npr:

A new book (posthumous) from Shel Silverstein- one of my heroes!!

When Shel Silverstein wrote the poem "Years From Now," he seemed to know that one day he'd be gone but that his playful words and images would still be making children happy. "I cannot see your face," he writes to his young readers, but in "some far-off place," he assures them, "I hear you laughing — and I smile."

I do love him so...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Corinne Day: The Face.

There's a new exhibition in town at the Gimpel Fils Gallery, which is showing a few snaps by Brit photographer Corinne Day who sadly passed away last year. The show includes photo shoots that Corinne did for The Face a 90s fashion-arts-music magazine. This magazine captured the positive vibe of the early 90s: hedonism, hope and change.

What I like a lot about her photographs is that models are actually smiling. None of that pouty, glamazon stuff. Anti-glossy. They radiate fun, youth, being happy-go-lucky, a bit of the mundane, get-up-and-go, natural scruffy chic. There's very much a London quirkiness about these, that actually seems to be back in vogue at the moment. Just above, you'll see Kate Moss in Borneo, looking cheekily through a phone box surrounded by kiddos.

And although I am not a big fan of Kate Moss, who usually has that waif-ish heroin chic thing goin' on, I actually really like the way she seems so natural and 'real' in this photo shoot. I think this is Moss at her best!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

girl interrupted

Have you ever confused a dream with life? Or stolen something when you have the cash? Have you ever been blue? Or thought your train was moving while sitting still?

 Maybe I was just crazy. Maybe it was the '60's. Or maybe I was just a girl... interrupted.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I Do

Tony Curtis carries new bride Janet Leigh over the threshhold, 4 June 1951

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tante Hertha.

Tonight I went to the book launch for this beautiful new cookery book, Tante Hertha's Viennese Kitchen, which was penned by a good and very dear friend of mine and her fabulously larger-than-life mother. It's filled to the brim with their personal family stories and gives a great context of what life was like for an elegant Baroness at the turn of the century in the midst of Viennese high society. Plenty of scrumptious cookies, liqueur, entrées and more meaty stuff - can't wait to get stuck into some cooking soon! Where you will see the results of my culinary experiments here soon... I'm also mightily pleased to have made it to the Acknowledgement Page. Buy it on Amazon pronto (US version here)!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Salut les filles,

It is a fabulous day in the land of Six Impossible Things- we have a new contributor! Due to changes in the solar system and alignment of stars our dearest Care has changed geography. I do love to have someone in Paris offering inspiration to the blog; So I immediately thought of my darling friend Jo! 

She is new so lets make her comfortable, k? She is going to check it out and see if she likes it! 

Bienvenue ma puce! J'ai tellement hâte de voir tes inspirations quotidiennes.



One grand boulevard with trees
with one grand cafe in sun
with strong black coffee in very small cups.

One not necessarily very beautiful
man or woman who loves you.

One fine day.

Recipe For Happiness Khaborovsk Or Anyplace, Lawrence Ferlinghetti 

Friday, September 9, 2011

everyone's a critic

Edgar Degas on Georges-Pierre Seurat:
“I wouldn’t have noticed it except that it was so big.”

Frida Kahlo on the European Surrealists:
“They are so damn ‘intellectual’ and rotten that I can’t stand them anymore… I’d rather sit on the floor in the market of Toluca and sell tortillas, than have anything to do with those ‘artistic’ bitches of Paris.”

Salvador Dalí on Paul Cézanne:
“I began a happening in New York by announcing in front of three thousand spectators that Cézanne was a catastrophe of awkwardness — a painter of decrepit structures of the past. I was applauded, principally because nobody knew who Cézanne was.”

Francis Bacon on Henri Matisse:
“I’ve never liked his things very much, except the very, very early things… I loathe them. I can never see what there is to it, with all those squalid little forms. I can’t bear the drawings either — I absolutely hate his line. I find his line sickly.”

Salvador Dalí on Pablo Picasso:
“He finished modern art at one blow by outuglying, alone, in a single day, the ugly that all others combined turned out in several years.”

from The 30 Harshest Artist-on-Artist Insults In History

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Madonna in Venice

Blue silk satin dress is beaded with red butterflies by Vionnet with red sparkly sunglasses. 

What's in the future?

Miranda July's new film, kinda creepy and eccentric but looks very good nonetheless: